Monday, September 9, 2013

Changing Pace

            I was driving down the road the other day on my way from church to home.  It isn't very often that I make that trek separately from Ryan, but this was one of those odd instances.  It just so happened to be a rainy day and as I drove the only thing that was on my mind was the need to get two sleepy children into bed.  
            And then it let loose- the rain began to pour so fast that I had to slow way down.  My windshield wipers were on high and I still couldn't see so great.  It then hit me, I was running in high gear and God was showing me that I needed to slow down.  Not just me, but all the travelers that were on the road at that time.  I whispered a prayer of thanks for the reminder and we sang choruses of praise.  I explained to my little ones that we serve a wonderful Creator and that He taught me a valuable lesson.  We need to change our pace every now and then and remember how to love this life that He has given us!  We are so blessed and we are often in too much of a hurry to realize the multitude of gifts He presents to us daily.  
           By the time I reached the edge of town, the rain had let up and we were able to drive a little quicker, but that short reminder was all it took.  
             I have thought about that instance from time to time and am grateful that our Heavenly Father sends us reminders every now and then that point toward Him.  We just have to slow down enough to realize them.  What in your life might He be sending to make you slow down a little?