Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Praise for our Lord!

We try every day to have a little "rug" time.  It is good training for getting your children to be able to sit still for longer than a few seconds or minutes!  I have a soft rug that Justus sits on and he is not allowed to stand up or get off until I tell him he can.  He actually enjoys it most days.  Moriah sits in her activity seat for now, but soon she will have her very own rug to sit on.  While we do this, we usually read.  We started out with The Book of Virtues and now we are reading Psalms and Proverbs.  We read the one that corresponds to that day.  With the combined chapters it is a perfect amount of time for sitting and the length always varies and is never exactly the same.  

April 8th we were reading Psalm 8 and Proverbs 8.  One of the verses I found to be quite insightful.  Psalm 8:2 says-

" From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise (or strength) because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."   

What I had never realized before is that the part after "you have ordained praise" flows smoothly into the next part with no comma or pause.  It is all part of the same.  I had never thought of it quite like that if you read it with no pause.  What I realized from that verse was this-  our children and babies are silencers of God's foes and avengers!  It is no wonder that His enemies do not like us to have so many children.  We are creating an army for the Lord even while they are little tikes!  That is why it is so important to train our children up in the way of the Lord!  
From our children's mouths come praise for our Lord and defeat for our Savior's enemies!  

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