Monday, April 15, 2013


I've had the urge for a while to start a new blog, and after receiving the blessing of my husband I made the jump and began Mother's Apron Strings.  I wanted to create a blog where I could encourage other ladies in their Christian walk of Godly Ladyship.  

I decided upon the name Mother's Apron Strings after much thought.  It seemed to fit so well, as the values that we learn while we are little and holding on to "mother's apron strings" are the values that we still hold onto as young ladies, sisters, married women, mothers, aunts and grandmothers.  

This blog is for all ladies regardless of your age or marital status.  Whether you are the mother "wearing" the apron, or you are the young lady who is still learning from your mother's "apron strings," or whether you are waiting for children to arrive and grasp your "apron strings" or whether your children have all "let go", I am hoping my writings will be a blessing to you.  

My goal is to encourage you, bless you, and even make you a little uncomfortable at times.  I hope that I am a blessing to the Lord and serve Him well.

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